Yep, got me a new borg
Its 4WD

Its Non-Turbo

....(for now

Found it on trademe (New Zealand site like ebay) and got the sellers email. Made them an offer, and the next day was me and a mate were making the 6 hour roadtrip down to pick it up.
So we got there, this little hick town called Manaia complete with gravel/grass sidewalks and a total of about 10 streets

First impression when I saw the borg was "holy crap, have they ever cleaned it?!" The whole thing was filthy, coated in dust and crap.
We took it for a test drive, first thing I noticed is that it is definately quicker than my Colt, has alot more guts in the bottom end of the rev range, but doesn't rev as freely up top. According to , the 4WD n/a motor somehow has 5kw more than the FWD lol. The motor felt strong, doesn't make any weird noises, no lifter tick. The gearbox shifts as smooth as butter with no crunching, the only thing driveline wise that concerned me is that the rear diff whines a bit on deceleration. I'm guessing the diff is still on its original 190,000km oil

Also the shocks feel spongy and make knocking noises (I assume they're the original shocks too) and the brake disks need machining, shudders a little bit while braking. But anywho, I was happy, so handed over the cash and we were on our way.
It rained almost the whole way back. Going through the twistys in the wet is where the 4WD really shined, although I didn't wanna get too carried away, can't trust the original suspension and it looks like they've put budget tyres on it (some unknown brand). Made it home safely, 'borg drove good the whole way up, the interior is really tatty and rattles over every bump which got annoying after a while but that can be fixed.
Spent about 2 hours today cleaning the engine bay as best I could, theres still filth in places I couldn't fit my fat hands in

mainly on the firewall but it looks alright. Gave the car a good wash and tidyied up the interior. All the air con vents are broken lol, and the glove box lid is missing its hinge, but other than that the interior is okay. Theres absolutely no cracks on the dash which is good, and it came with a decent Pioneer head deck. The body is rough as fcuk

paint is fading and showing its age, scratches bloody everywhere, drivers side front guard is blue, passenger side front guard is dented, front filler strip is pink, gonna take alot of work to get it up to my standards (it looks better in the pics than it does in real life). I did plan on swapping the Colt's panels onto it, but when I looked at the Colt today, I just couldn't bear to molester it just to fix another car lol. One thing I did notice though is that the borg's bonnet sits on a little bit of an angle, and the drivers door doesn't quite sit flush when closed, so i'm gonna book it into a panelbeaters (or body shop... I think thats what you guys call em lol) next week and get them to go over it with a fine toothed comb and check for any 'hidden surprises'. At the price I payed for it though, i'm not complaining at all!
Sorry for writing so much

Pic time!
This is the good side
Rear. Paint looks better in the pic than it actually is. It has some weird country bumpkin bumper sticker on the window, something to do with preserving the wild, and hunting
The motor, after a few hours of cleaning its still quite filthy. The sticker on the air can says it has a K&N, but I haven't opened it up to check yet.
4WD badge. Ohhhhhh yeahhh!
The miniscule 4WD hatch boot. It might not look like it in the pic, but its ALOT smaller than the C53A boot. I don't think i'll be able to fit my 12" sub in there without removing the parcel tray :?
The interior. Came with a free Type-S cup holder. SCORE!!
Thats all for now