
Specializing in the 3g CSM
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 15, 2019 12:58 pm 
Spends Too Much Time Under The Hood
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Joined: Tue Aug 23, 2011 4:20 am
Posts: 316
Location: Turlock, California
I decided to finally focus on getting the Air conditioning on my "92 Mirage with the 4g63t swap to work, I have all the mechanical side figured out I basically used "89-"93 Galant a/c compressor pulley, bracket, and tensioner, but wiring it in seemed like a chore I heard of people just ditching the A/C completely due to complexity, or using a dsm wire harness and keep the dsm a/c wire connectors and rig it up that way, but I have great info for anyone that plans to do this swap and keep the 4g15 A/C system it's actually vary simple I was pouring over wire diagrams :study: when I noticed something quite useful:study::lol:, I own the FSM for both the "92 mirage and the "92 Eclipse, some pictures will fallow to help explaining my research.ImageThe wire connector, pictured above, is located on the driver's side of the engine bay firewall it is present even in the "89-"92 Colt/Summit/Mirage cars that do not even have A/C, I carefully removed the electrical tape/protective wire loom plastic from my stock 1.5 mirage engine harness that related to this 6 pin connector, that only utilizes 5 of these pins with wires though, I back probed all 5 of the wires in the gray connector, I also carefully de-pinned them from under the under dash connectors and wrote down where they go, and I will document that info here.
ImageThis is the same connector after I carefully extracted it from the 1.5 harness, you will notice I re-loomed it and carefully de-pinned it, so basically all I have to do is locate the 5 wire connector pins under the dash that these correspond to, and then reinstall them, by doing it this way I can delete some of the A/C wires that are in the turbo dsm engine harness, at least in the engine bay side, and let the engine harness primarily run the engine, which will ultimately make the harness less cluttered for the eventual full engine wire tuck that I plan to do at a future date, but for now I plan to also tuck the messy looking A/C relays and fuse box thats under the hood, i plan to mount it in the driver side wheel-well, pretty much out of sight out of mind, hence why the wiring is being repined on some connectors that it should already be hooked up to, like c19 and c20 which you normally could just run into the dash via the engine loom, I am running the wires so that I can place the wire under the dash instead of looming into the engine harness [like the original mirage setup], I also may have to extend some wires and do some re-looming for the A/C fuse box wires that I'm tucking.

Now on with the useful Info: there are 5 wires under dash that will need to be located to get the A/C working using the stock CSM A/C system, and they are as follows:

1: Black/ with white stripe--------------------This wire goes to pin 65 on the 1g dsm ECU connector
2: Green/with yellow stripe-----------------This wire goes to pin 7 on the 1g dsm ECU connector
3: Green-----------------------This wire goes to the stock mirage dash plug known as C-19 pin 7 of the 15 pin connector
4: Black/ with yellow stripe-------------------This wire goes to C-19 pin 6 of the 15 pin connector
5: Yellow/ with green stripe-----------------This goes to the black with gray ring 4 pin mirage dash harness connector C-20 pin 2
6: 1 pin slot is empty...so ignore it. no wires are present on ether side.
Notes: Because the Mirage uses the same 3 yellow ECU pin connectors as a dsm ECU I will simply unpin the dsm ECU pin 7 black green wire and put the mirage green yellow wire in place, then find pin 65 red blue wire and put the black with white stripe wire in that slot, additionally I plan to pull the both the black green and red blue wires all the way out of the dsm engine loom since they no longer serve a purpose.
This is the green wire it will go to pin 7 of connector C-19 which is pictured above.
This is the Black with yellow stripe wire it goes to pin 6 of the black connector C-19 which is pictured above
And here is the final wire: it goes into the pin 2 of connector C-20 which is also located under the dash of the mirage.

Some bonus pictures of the A/C fuse box tuck that I did while I was working on this
some pictures of the before one is of my red colt, just t show you scope of what was tucked.
the bay is a little dirty and I might paint it in the future but i'm happy with the overall result and now I got working A/C 8)


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