I'm getting compressor surge ( I think) on the highway in 4th and 5th gears on light accel/boosting. happens around 10+ psi. turbo starts making boost around 2500 rpm and I can hit full boost (25psi) at around 3800-4000rpm
Have my 1ga
100% stock internal 6 bolt(stock cams)
Evo 3 16G knock off
650cc FIC
Stock BCS with restrictor removed. .025 restrictor on Wastegate feed line
Walbro 255hp
Crushed 1g bov
meth injection
3" turboback exhaust
Tunerpro running Swede Density
Didn't have this problem when I was on wastegate pressure. Now running EBC with SwD EBC map. RPM/BOOST target map adjusted, seemed to help. MAX boost of 25psi.
Thinking that the small exhaust side of the 16g turbine housing is spooling up at the lower RPM on the highway and producing too much boost for the engine to injest. Once the surge starts, it just gets worse as it boosts higher. If I do WOT throttle pulls there is no surge at all. Only does it at partial throttle when accelerating on the highway. And when I was at the track last weekend there was no surge at all when I raced it.
I changed my boost map to run low duty cycle at the RPM/BOOST that the surge happened at. and it helped.. but now when I floor it at lower RPM's it only hits low boost, 12 psi, then once the RPM reach the higher RPM it boosts up. loose a lot of power when flooring it in 1st and 2nd gear.
Anyone have any remedy's for this? seems like some setting that limits boost at lower TPS would do the job. Unfotunalty there doesn't seem to be any setting like that in Swd
I have included a sceen shot of my boost control map