Its that time again.. Time to build #2. this build will be faster, cleaner and handle better then my first AWD build.
A little history of my self for the Newbs and or the old guys if they dont remember me. I've owned 3 original turbo cars. 2 AWD colts. 2 swapped colts and a few others along the way.. I've owned over 20 turbo DSM's. 2 mightymaxs. a 76 RWD colt and a ton of other junk..
Bought my 2nd original turbo car in 05/06 and soon AWD swapped it. I believe at the time there was only a handful of completed swaps.. Dans, lil evo, mine and two others i believe.
Sold it after 2 years of pure fun to CSMshaun to buy these
Sold the Cataplt to Nate dog and the 76 to a local and laid low for a while.. got a good deal on these two gems
soon after having those i bought this to strip and AWD swap the sedan
stripped the GSX like a moron and sold the rolling chassis to CSM shaun. then sold everything DSM related i owned, includeing the 4 door that CSM shaun now owns. haha
I got into wheeling, and built a bulletproof toyota
Same truck, just cab swapped and EXO'd this was the week that i sold it
I Had a little girl in June of 2011 and decided it would be best if i sold the toyota since i wouldnt be able to wheel nearly as much as i wanted. Sold it and searched for a clean original turbo colt. Ended up settleing for Natedogs 2.0na project. It was 100% rust free and extremely straight, and i wouldnt feel nearly as bad cutting up a base model.
The week i picked the car up.
I soon moved into my cramped ass garage and began surgery.. stripped the front end off. the interior, the rear axle. blah blah blah..
I've got a room full of good parts awaiting to go on the car.
as of now, the rear end is 90% done and about ready to roll. I have everything tacked in and waiting for a buddy to come double check everything just to make sure its square and whatnot. I have picters of the entire process. I'll be uploading them tomorrow when i get more time.