
New house taking all my time!
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Author:  king_of_the_street [ Tue Jan 08, 2013 9:25 pm ]
Post subject:  New house taking all my time!

So my wife & I bought a new house a few days before thanksgiving we closed. Its been soo long since been on this site, and needless to say My colts been down for about few months now... I bought a truck to work on house to not ruin wifes newer jeep :D Since driving the new truck, Must say its nice to just jump in and go... But I miss the colt, turbo and manual :( Soon hopefully once we move into house I will replace the clutch fork and pivot ball.... But for the house, Its been taking all my time.. Its from 1961, but structly sound! Were remolding the whole inside top floor flooring is almost all complete.. Just like the car, a house is a HUGE money pit, but its a way better investment!! .. some the things I have no ideal why the previous owner did... We were on a mission to find a foreclosed... found a fannie may... Ill post up pics, Just like the car once things start moving along you get more motivated... ooo and to top it all off, My wife had our first baby.... So my times been soo busy, But I havent been on here in while, Ohhh how i miss my colt !

Author:  quikgt [ Tue Jan 08, 2013 11:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New house taking all my time!

Good luck, a fixxer upper can be a headache :prayer:

Author:  xxNocturnalxx [ Wed Jan 09, 2013 1:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New house taking all my time!

We don't care about your house, we only want to know about the garage 8) JK man, congrats and good job on keeping the priorities straight, wife, baby, house.. I have none of those things, hopefully someday I will. You'll come back around to the Colt when things settle down and the time is right! :D

Author:  89Mirageman [ Wed Jan 09, 2013 9:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New house taking all my time!

Priorities in life do have their way of blocking time with the projects. You are right though, although the house may be taking up most of your time, money and causing stress it'll be worth it in the end. Congrats on the baby too, sounds like you guys really have your hands full.

Author:  king_of_the_street [ Wed Jan 09, 2013 10:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New house taking all my time!

Thanks! oh yea definally, sleep schedules altered... :rolleyes: .. Everytime I go into garage I see the colt sitting there... Funny I drove to house after closing.... Drove without the clutch, if came to light would have to turn off and restart to go again in gear.. The garage is one thing that doesnt need much work...person who lost his house was a mechanic, so the garage is finished seperate 2 car which is nice.. set up with lights power on all walls and gas outlet... Even has one those old school metal fire detectors.... lol... Ooo but its been so long yesterday was first time on here in long time coming back on here, miss working on cars.. I must say the part I hate most is sanding after mudding... FML... Waiting to finish to move in and at least organize garage.. to think im about 100 dollars in parts to get colt again, just so busy..sucks... hopefully this spring.....

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