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 Post subject: 1g and 2g alternator
PostPosted: Tue Aug 07, 2018 3:17 pm 
CSM Junkie

Joined: Mon Dec 10, 2007 9:00 am
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anyone know the difference between these two? Someone told me that the 1G and the GVR4 are the same, but don't about the 2G? anyone has seen or tried using the 2G alternator on our cars. Thanks

 Post subject: Re: 1g and 2g alternator
PostPosted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 9:38 pm 
Spends Too Much Time Under The Hood
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Joined: Tue Aug 23, 2011 4:20 am
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2g alternators can be wired to work in a 1g, but you have to look at the pinouts of both the early alternators and the 2g ones because the 2g wire connectors have 4 wires vs the early 2 wire design so as long as you locate the right wires you should be good...
so basically you would take L and S and only use them on the 2g alternator.
this is only if the 2g alternator has an internal regulator... I'm not 100% sure if all of the 2g turbo cars had internal regulators or not, but if the regulator is built into the ecu like on most modern Chrysler cars, but if it is you can wire in the older external regulator which is what I did on my mirage back when it had the 1.5 motor in it, I was running a 130 amp unit tho from a v6 02-04 I wanna say Chrysler 300m it was way over powered for what I needed but it never failed on me I just got bored of the 4g15 lol.
Above is the wiring diagram for using an external voltage regulator, if you decide to get a non internal regulated alternator for your car, the voltage regulator came out of a 1985 dodge ram w350 but many of their older Chrysler cars used this voltage regulator so you could source it elsewhere.


 Post subject: Re: 1g and 2g alternator
PostPosted: Sat Dec 10, 2022 10:53 am 
Spends Too Much Time Under The Hood
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Joined: Tue Aug 23, 2011 4:20 am
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Update: So i recently managed to try my information seen above out, and I can confirm that it works, I made an adapter harness that converts an early 1g dsm /gvr4/3g csm 2 pin wire connector, to the newer 4 pin 2g style alternator pigtail, so essentially you can use a 7g Galant 2.4 or 2g dsm spyder or turbo engine only, the 420a 2g alternators are not gonna work with this, as far as I know, in order to use the newer alternator in an older car you simply get a 2g style 4 pin pigtail you can get them off many other newer Mitsubishi cars the lancers, 3g eclipses, 8g Galants etc, and then locate a 1g male style alternator pigtail, I got mine off of an older mid 90s Infiniti j20, they use the same 2 pin wire connector, it was by the fuse box, for the wiring, you wire L wire to L wire, and S wire to S wire, and delete or simply tape up the other 2 wires on the 4 pin 2g alternator connector, no external regulator was required, I did have to enlarge the charge wire ring terminal because the 2G dsm alternator used a larger M8 charge cable stud vs the 1G which used an M6 one, by making an adapter harness I can now use both alternators on my car, I tested it on a 3g 1.5 csm but it is the same as a 1G DSM, "91-"92 Galant vr4, pretty much any of the older internal regulated 2 wire Mitsubishi vehicles.
To make it stupid simple i made a color coded picture of what wires go where. Image
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