
Specializing in the 3g CSM
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 14, 2003 12:16 pm 
Some call me a god

Joined: Sat Jan 19, 2002 7:00 pm
Posts: 1529
Location: Denton, Tx
the swap is very simple and straight forward, the km210 is externally identical to the 4g63t fwd dsm trans.
with the great exception of the shift levers.

if you have mangled up your levers, it is ok, tehre are plenty more out there, all stick shift colt cars have the same shift levers on the transmissions, and will work. i compared them to the 4g15 colt we have at teh house as well.

to swap the shift levers you will need a 3/16 inch drill bit, preferably very sharp, center punch, straight punch, an adjustable b.f.h.(Big F**king Hammer) and a drill.

the pin only comes out one way, towards the front of the car, so...
drill the pin in the center of it from the front to the back, you only need to go about halfway through the pin, you will actually be making the pin hollow if you drill on center.
randomly wail the pin with the punch and hammer, when the pin moves, you will easily be able to knock it out then.

swap the levers, make sure the km210 linkage is properly aligned before you mount it to the the other tranny.
I used a 13/64" drill bit to enlarge the holes slightly, and make life easier for the tap.
I used a m6x1.0 tap(the same thread size as all the 10mm headed bolts on the car) and tapped all the way through the linkage and shift rod.
threaded the bolt in with blue locktite. and voila it works, the tranny is now ready to be installed in the car. just as you removed the old one.

If speed kills, then i shoulda been dead awhile ago. There is no such thing as "Too Much Power". There is no excuse for a lost race. Do you view the rev limiter as a fun limiter?or as a shift point? And we all know, more boost=more fun.

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