
Specializing in the 3g CSM
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 25, 2024 7:19 pm 

Joined: Sun Dec 18, 2011 4:06 pm
Posts: 76
Location: Los Angeles, CA
not from me but wow what a life saver ill just leaf it hear for those who need it, sad forums are dying and its obvious this one is dead, feel free to pm me if you'd like the actual file with visual diagrams as i couldn't figure out linking it to here

Converting 1992 2.4 expo harness to run 1G 4G63 ECU
***This writeup is for converting the stock 2.4 1992 expo engine harness to run a
1991-1994 dsm turbo ECU. For 1990 ECUs, connector pins 6 and 14 have to be swapped.
TPS sensor
The 4G63 throttle body is flipped 180* so the pins are mirrored on the connector. You must
remove and reverse the TPS pin order. Carefully remove the pins, there are walkthroughs on
how to do it correctly on YouTube. Some connectors are easier than others but they all have a
release clip holding the pins in. I started with flipping the outer ones, then flipped the inner 2.
***The missing pin #3 is the idle switch that needs to be connected to ECU pin 14 (pin 6 on
1990 ECU) but the wagon uses a 2G style TPS. 2G TPS will work fine but you can also use a
1G TPS if you have the 1G throttle body.
Coolant Temp Sensor
These pins are not interchangeable from expo to dsm but the wires go to the same locations as
the 1G. Simply connect the yellow/green wire to the same yellow/green wire on the dsm pigtail,
and connect black to green/black for sensor ground.
1G Mass Airflow Sensor
(Pins always labeled from the sensor side, not the connector)
Pin 5 is not used
**These pins are not interchangeable from expo to dsm**
Expo Mass Airflow Sensor (for reference)
-move expo pin 1 to 1G pin 4 (to ECU pin 23: 5v sensor power)
-move expo pin 2 to 1G pin 7 (to ECU pin 16: Barometer)
-move expo pin 3 to 1G pin 2 (to ECU pin 10: Airflow sensor input)
-move expo pin 4 to 1G pin 3 (to ECU pin 102 & 107: 12v sensor power)
-move expo pin 5 to 1G pin 6 (to ECU pin 17 & 24: sensor ground)
-move expo pin 6 to 1G pin 8 (to ECU pin 8: Intake air temp input)
-move expo pin 7 to 1G pin 1 (to ECU pin 6: Airflow sensor reset)
-on the ECU side, move ECU pin 57 to ECU pin 6 (pin 14 for 1990 ECU)
ISC wiring
**These pins are not interchangeable from expo to dsm**
*** Pin 13 on the expo ECU is an extra 5V sensor power circuit for the expo ISC that ties into
ECU pin 23: 5V sensor power. The dsm ISC requires 12V
-remove ECU connector pin 13 as the extra 5V signal is no longer needed
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 2 3
4 5 6
Converting 1992 2.4 expo harness to run 1G 4G63 ECU
-the red wire on the expo ISC ties into this green/red 5V sensor power circuit near the ECU. Cut
the red wire at the factory crimp tie and connect it to 12V sensor power at ECU pin 102 or 107
-connect both pins 2 and 5 of the ISC to the expo red wire now going to ECU pin 102 and 107
-pin 1 of the ISC goes to the blue/yellow striped wire on the 4g64 ISC connector (ecu pin 58)
-pin 3 of the ISC goes to green/black wire on the 4g64 ISC connector (ecu pin 59)
-pin 4 of the ISC goes to solid white wire on the 4g64 ISC connector (ecu pin 68)
-pin 6 of the ISC goes to solid green wire on the 4g64 ISC connector (ecu pin 67)
-the black wire on the 4g64 IAC is not used
PTU and Coil wiring
Pin 5 is not used
-connect PTU pin 1 to the 1G ignition coil pin 1
-connect PTU pin 2 to ignition trigger output wire going to the ecu pin 55. I used the purge
solenoid signal (green/black wire) instead of running another wire
-on the ECU side, the purge control pin needs to move from ECU pin 62 to pin 55
-connect PTU pin 3 to the black wire from distributor connector (sensor ground)
-connect PTU pin 4 to the white wire from coil connector (tach signal to ECU pin 109)
*** ECU pin 109 on the expo harness is the fuel pump voltage monitor. Another wire must be
used for the tach signal
-move black/blue ECU pin 109 to ECU pin 13
-on the 8-pin dash connector, cut the tach white wire and run it to that ECU pin 109
-the tach signal for the speedometer will need to come from the tach filter if you are using the
stock wagon dash cluster (covered in next section)
-connect PTU pin 6 to the black/white striped coil connector wire (ignition switch)
-connect PTU pin 7 to the white wire from the expo PTU connector (to ECU pin 54)
-connect PTU pin 8 to the 1G ignition coil pin 2
-connect the black/white striped wire from the ignition coil pin 3 to the same black/white wire that
goes to pin 6 of the PTU (ignition switch)
-the small box that is mounted to the coil bracket needs to be grounded (found only on 1G dsm)
92 4G64 distributor pinout (reference)
Pin 1: Brown and red (cam sensor)
Pin 2: Brown and green (crank sensor)
Pin 3: Black and white (ignition switch)
Pin 4: Black (Ground to ECU pin 106)
Ignition Coil
Pin 1: Black/white (ignition switch)
Pin 2: White/black (tachometer signal)
Expo PTU
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 2 3 4
1 2
1 2 3
Converting 1992 2.4 expo harness to run 1G 4G63 ECU
Pin 1: White (ECU pin 54)
Pin 2: Black (sensor ground)
Pin 3: White/black (tachometer signal)
Tach filter
All expo, summit, colt vista factory instrument clusters WILL require a tachometer filter for it to
display your rpms correctly. The tach filter is only found on 90 turbo model dsms, but people
have even made their own with the schematics available online. I mounted mine right next to the
ignition coil. The red and white wires go to each coil positive terminal and the yellow wire is the
filtered tach signal that goes straight to the dash cluster and TCU (if applicable)
-run TACH filter yellow wire into the cabin and connect to the white wire on the 8-pin dash
connector for TCU and cluster (necessary if using stock tach only)
Inside the cabin, near the ecu there are 2 black dash connectors. Connect the wire from the
tach filter to the solid white wire on the 8-pin dash connector. This runs to the tach and splits to
a wire that runs to the tcu. Again, all DSM and RVR tachs require the signal straight from the
ECU. The filtered signal will not work on these.
CAS wiring
-connect CAS pin 1 to the brown/red wire from the 4G64 distributor (cam signal)
-connect CAS pin 2 to the brown/green wire from the 4G64 distributor (crank signal)
1 2 3 4
Converting 1992 2.4 expo harness to run 1G 4G63 ECU
-tie CAS pin 3 into the black/red wire going to the fuel injectors (12v power from MPI relay)
-connect CAS pin 4 to the black wire on the 4G64 distributor (ground)
If using a 1G ECU or a 97-99 DSM ECU with a 1G CAS, the firing order should remain the
same (4-1-2-3).
Fuel Injector resistor wiring
-cut the black/red striped wires going to all 4 injectors, preferably closer to the firewall for
-connect the 4 wires from the resistor pack (pins 1,4,5,6) to all 4 black/red striped wires going to
the injectors
-connect the resistor output wire (pin 3) to the black/red injector power wire leading back to MPI
relay pin 102
Factory O2 sensor
**These pins are not interchangeable from expo to dsm**
-connect pin 1 to ECU pin 4 (O2 sensor signal)
-connect pin 2 to ECU pin 24 (ground)
-connect pin 3 to ECU pin 102 (12v power from MPI pins 4&5)
-connect pin 4 to the shielding around the sensor loom. Goes to ECU pin 24 (sensor ground)
Knock Sensor (Factory ECU)
-connect the knock sensor black wire to ECU pin 24 (ground)
-connect the white signal wire to ECU pin 9
-connect the shielding around the signal wire to ground if not using the 1G knock sensor
harness (it’s already connected to ground and the o2 ground)
O2 sensor (narrowband simulation)
-use the factory shielded front O2 wires for the knock sensor (aftermarket ECU only)
-swap ECU connector pins 4 and 9, then swap the knock sensor connector with the front O2
connector (since this connector won’t be needed)
-run your wideband O2 signal to ECU pin 4, then use the other side of the wire for knock sensor
pin 9
MPI relay rewire
*These pins are not interchangeable from expo to dsm**
Pin 1 is empty
Pin 2 goes to fuel pump circuit
1 2 3
4 5 6
1 2
3 4
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10
Converting 1992 2.4 expo harness to run 1G 4G63 ECU
Pin 3 to ECU 110
Pins 4 and 5 to ECU 107
Pin 6 to chassis ground
Pin 7 to ECU 56
Pin 8 to ECU 63 and 66
Pin 9 to ECU 108
Pin 10 to 20A fusible link
-Move expo pin 1 to 1G pin 2 (pump power on)
-Move expo pins 2 & 3 to 1G pins 4 & 5 (12v power to ECU)
-Move expo pin 4 to 1G pin 10 (fused power from battery)
-Move expo pin 5 to 1G pin 7 (activates fuel pump when key is turned)
-Connect 1G pin 6 straight to ground (expo MPI grounds at ECU and chassis)
-Move expo pin 7 to 1G pin 9 (starter)
-Move expo pin 8 to 1G pin 3 (ignition)
-connect 1G MPI pin 8 to ECU pins 63 & 66 (activates ECU)
Diagnostic Port
Same as 1G, for reference only
Pin 1 (Yellow) to ECU pin 1 (diagnostic output)
Pin 10 (White) to ECU pin 2 (data port)
Pin 12 (Black) to ground
1G turbo ECU
92 expo 2.4L ECU pinout (reference)
C-19 (identical size as 1G C-59)
Different inputs highlighted red
101 B Ground to chassis 106 B Ground to chassis
102 R 12v from MPI pins 4&5 107 R 12v from MPI pins 4&5
103 BY Battery backup (constant
108 BY Ignition switch (ST)
104 B Neutral safety switch 109 BL Fuel pump voltage monitor
Converting 1992 2.4 expo harness to run 1G 4G63 ECU
(identical size as 1G C-60)
105 empty 110 GB ABS (if equipped)
51 YL #1 injector 60 Lg #3 injector
52 YB #2 injector 61 LgW #4 injector
53 empty 62 GB Purge control solenoid
54 W Ignition trigger output – cyl
63 BrG EGR (if equipped)
55 empty 64 LgB CEL light
56 WR MPI relay pin 5 65 BW A/C clutch relay
57 YW Air flow sensor reset 66 empty
Converting 1992 2.4 expo harness to run 1G 4G63 ECU
C-21 (identical size as 1G C-61)
58 LY ISC motor output-coil A1 67 G ISC motor output-coil B1
59 GB ISC motor output-coil A2 68 W ISC motor output-coil B2
1 Y Diagnostic output 13 GR 5v power for TPS, ISC and baro
2 GW Data transfer 14 YR Idle switch
3 empty 15 BW EGR temp (Ca only)
4 W Oxygen sensor 16 P Barometric sensor
5 Y Power steering switch 17 B Sensor ground
6 empty 18 YW Speed sensor
7 GR A/C coolant temp switch 19 GW TPS input
8 RB Intake air temp sensor 20 YG Coolant temp sensor
9 empty 21 BrG Crank angle sensor
10 WB Airflow sensor input 22 BrR Cam angle/TDC sensor
11 empty 23 GR 5v power for TPS, ISC and baro
12 BL Ignition timing adjustment 24 B Sensor ground
Converting 1992 2.4 expo harness to run 1G 4G63 ECU
Converting 1992 2.4 expo harness to run 1G 4G63 ECU
Converting 1992 2.4 expo harness to run 1G 4G63 ECU
Converting 1992 2.4 expo harness to run 1G 4G63 ECU

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